Los Mochis, Sinaloa, México.

A place that is too extensive and culturally diverse, with an approximate population of approximately 306 173 average inhabitants, in which 68.46% is a female index, that is, the Mochitense population has more female variety, than male, without counting the "changes of gender "that have occurred throughout the year, from male to female, as well as from female to male. And as every city has its pros and cons, our pros, was that it is Sinaloa, is the only city that has the 4 types of transport, (Air, Train, Boat and Truck), which is a great benefit of movement , in the cons there is our drainage.

Resultado de imagen para MEDIOS DE TRANSPORTE EN MOCHIS

 we do not have a good drainage system, and when there are rains or hurricanes, this causes a great catastrophe in our city, as for example, a few weeks ago, one of the most natural disasters occurred. great worldwide, it is a storm that was created over time, was formed in Los Cabos, California, and this was descending, until peace, and this was so immense, it is said that it rained what was not it had rained in a year, that is, what happened in a year, it happened in a single day, the consequences, flooded houses, children and families, even homeless dogs, devastated schools, flooded streets, in our city we have a theater room, something grand e, and this was used as a shelter for people who really did not have any support, our School supported what they could so that they did not suffer this catastrophe so much, these rains lasted a week or so, just enough to create a great catastrophe , but not all were affected, the colonies that are better protected or that are in higher areas in which some are not arriving, were those that saved and avoided the catastrophe, the drainage system is being repaired to be prepared for some other natural phenomenon.
Resultado de imagen para drenaje en los mochisResultado de imagen para drenaje en los mochis

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